"Peace is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of the soul." -Jawaharlal Nehru

I'm Latosha, I am a USAF veteran, mom, divorcee, and human! I've had my fair share of life transitions, as we all have. It was through my own experiences with anxiety, depression, and chronic illness (linked to transition) that I realized how much transition impacts and disrupts our lives. This realization almost 20 years ago led me down the path of self-healing. Still on the journey, I desire to empower others to connect more deeply with themselves to restore balance for more optimum health and wellbeing that fosters strength in the midst of the chaos life can sometimes bring.
My journey to aligning and activating my own power started over 20 years ago, in 2001. I was in the Air Force and married to another active-duty member, and I had a two-year old daughter. 9/11 happened and my life changed forever. My partner at the time was thrown into deployments and "war", I worked long days (and nights), my daughter was caught in the crossfire of it all.
We undoubtedly did what we had to do in the moment, however when the dust settled (years later!), I was completely disconnected from my heart, my thoughts, and my body. I had not addressed any of the emotional, spiritual, and physical chaos I encountered. Everything was stored, right there inside of me. As a result, I experienced a loss of energy, direction, and clarity. Depression and anxiety symptoms were at the forefront of my life, until I discovered a little book about yoga. For the next 10 years, I embarked upon a healing journey that allowed me to truly reconnect to the many parts of myself and to ultimately live a life full of clarity, balance, purpose, and meaning. That little yoga book led me to counseling, counseling led to mindfulness, which led to energy healing, then back to yoga again. All of which led me here, today, to serve others with compassion and empathy that comes from a genuine "understanding where you're coming from".
What hurts me (my why) is to see others struggle to face or adjust to the inevitable transitions of life. I know firsthand that it is possible to reconnect, realign, and restore peace and well-being after being shaken from your center. The methods and modalities I share with my clients are ones I have studied and used personally for many years; I know from experience that the power of these methods is profound.